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Recent News about Orbex Space

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Orbex, established in 2015, is a leading European provider of orbital launch services, catering primarily to the small satellite industry. The company operates in the burgeoning space industry, specifically in the micro-launch vehicle market. Orbex has developed an advanced micro-launch vehicle, Orbex Prime, which is recognized for its low carbon emissions and high performance. This vehicle is created using innovative materials and techniques, including 3D printed engines and carbon fibre structures and tanks.

The company's business model revolves around offering a flexible core launch service, supplemented by a suite of supporting services designed to simplify the process for its customers. These services include providing reliable, dedicated, and responsive orbital launch services to small satellite customers. By offering a regular, scheduled launch service, Orbex allows for a more flexible mission profile, enhancing the reliability of its services.

Orbex generates revenue through the provision of these launch services. The company's commitment to sustainability and innovation is evident in its use of more sustainable fuels that reduce carbon emissions. This commitment has earned the company praise from the UK Science Minister and the Director General of the European Space Agency (ESA).

The company is also involved in peatland restoration research and is expanding its facilities in preparation for the UK mainland's first vertical rocket launch. Orbex is playing a significant role in establishing a new launch capability in the UK, further solidifying its position as a global leader in the space industry.

Keywords: Orbex, Orbital Launch Services, Small Satellite Industry, Micro-Launch Vehicles, Orbex Prime, Low Carbon Emissions, High Performance, Flexible Core Launch Service, Sustainable Fuels, UK Space Industry.

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